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More than Medical Students


Nada Kholeif (Editor's Article)

Medical Students have so many stresses over their shoulders. We study hard and stress over getting it right every time. The innumerable number of tests and the large amount of information we receive are the major causes of these stresses. We are going to deal with human lives so living under pressure is unfortunately the cost we have to pay.

But some of us might have found a way to decrease these stresses in their lives by pursuing a hobby and doing something different to give them solace.

Here are a few examples of the passions our fellow friends pursue while studying medicine in Kasr AlAiny:

Salma Hazem (SSS President)

Salma joined the SSS in her first year in 2013. At first, she was confused about what to do but then she worked on many projects and made many friends from different years. She later held many positions including Secretary General and currently she is the SSS President.

On managing time: “We always have free time and waste it no matter what. So its all about time management and having team members who can help and support during the exams or hard times.”

On facing challenges: “With pressures from work and the exams, sometimes projects or events don’t go according to plan. So I always motivate myself by remembering why I am here and our mission, also all the good times and experience gained.”

Nouran El Rady & Menna Shaker (Authors)

Nouran is the author of the novels “ Al Hob w Al Caramel” and “Al Hob w Al Nesyaan”. She also writes articles in different websites.

Menna is the author of the book “Sana Oola Metro” and writes articles in several websites.

On managing time:

Nouran: “Everything has its special time that can not affect or override the other.”

Menna: “Time management is the key, especially when you are a medical student. I try to keep myself away from any disturbance and decrease the use of social media. Also I set a special time for writing everyday.”

On facing challenges:

Nouran: “ My biggest challenge is to provide good and influential work at the same time relatable and affecting people’s lives”

Menna: “Challenges I face include meeting deadlines related to writing and studying. Also the continuous search of new ideas to write about. My motivation is to influence even a small group of people and touch their lives.”

Ahmed Moenes (DJ)

Moenes started encountering electronic music in 2007 then gradually evolved over the years from a listener to an enthusiast to a record collector and finally to a DJ. He recently signed a contract with a record label based in New York.

On managing time: “There’s no secret formula for managing your time. Obviously there will be times where you’re more focused on something and less on the other. But its always important to know what you need to accomplish and set achievable short-term goals to avoid frustration.”

On facing challenges: “Just like everyone in my age, I have to tackle between my studies, the hobbies I like, my training schedule and my social life. My biggest challenge is to feel satisfied about every aspect of my life.”

Mohamed Minisy (Actor)

Minisy starred and co-created the movie “The Labyrinth Prisoner”.

On managing time: “ I started making the movie in the summer as I had more time. Usually I can multitask but it is hard with the large bulk we have to study. Its not about time management as it is about self management.”

On facing challenges: “ My real challenge is to keep up my grades and do well in college while pursuing my passions in other fields. My motivation is do something remarkable and to be remembered.”

As medical students and as humans, we face many personal and professional challenges. We wish to become better people and pursue our goals but this can not happen if we don’t know what we want and go after it.

These students are just like us; they have many tests, take their attendances and study long hours to get good grades. Maybe they manage their time a little better. Maybe pursuing these passions along with studying medicine decreases their stress or maybe it just increases the burden. Nothing really is for sure but what is sure is that they are doing what they love from medicine to other hobbies.

We all just need to do the things that make us happy and continue doing them. And this might be more than one thing. It will be hard but it will be worth the effort. So what is your story?

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