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Our Angelic Warriors


Sara Essam

Nowadays, my country and the whole world are starting to really appreciate doctors. Doctors are our first line of defense against the global crisis of the deadly virus COVID-19.

Doctors, nurses and all medical personnel from everywhere in developed, developing, rich, and poor countries are working extensively, non-sleep, with all their efforts to get us all to a safe harbor with the least loses.

This is all about them.

One of the doctors I came across is AbdelRahman Khairy, a 29 years old Emergency Resident.

On a regular day on duty, he received a call from Dr. Mohammed Mostafa, deputy director of ICU in the Ministry of Health to travel to "Esna Hospital Luxur” to be among the team treating COVID-19 positive patients.

"We were 5 doctors and only me and my friends agreed to grasp the opportunity and go for this adventure no matter what” he said.

He wasn’t planning to tell his family. He didn’t want anything to stand in his way and prevent him from performing his duty.

"I was so scared from my parents' reaction so I decided not to tell them. But unfortunately they knew just before I was about to leave. They were in complete shock. All what I can hear was my mom crying out her heart begging me not to leave. They were standing by the door disapproving and protesting against my decision.”

Then he calmly said: “Baba, ,Mama; This is our time and this is our mission as doctors. This is my message to the world. If I didn’t deliver it now, when it’s needed, then I’ll never.”

They had nothing to do but to accept his decision and his extreme passion to go and fulfill his mission.

It was a 12 hours trip. All the thoughts hit Abdelrahman’s mind.

'Would I come back? Would this be the last time for me to see my family? What about my future? What about my plans? What if the situation there was worst than what I expected? What if my colleagues who refused to go were right?'

But then a deep feeling in his gut reassured him that he is making the right decision.

He arrived to Esna Hospital after a long trip that gave him time think and reach the conclusion that he’s on the right track.

"I was devastated my the number of patients as many tested positive. But what made me calm was the spirit of team work from all the medical personnel in the hospital. They all felt responsible and wanted to deliver the best medical service. Honestly, I didn’t expect all the facilities needed will be available but they were, from face mask to the ventilators.”

Sleepless nights and exhausting days made everyone forget the meaning of rest. They forgot that they have a families and future ahead of them. They were aiming only for one thing which was their Patients' Recovery.

Doctor, Doctor I can’t breath.

"A patient that made fear conquer my heart was a 28 years old athlete. His oxygen saturation was very low and had to be admitted to the ICU. This was when I thought, if this is the case with a 28 years old athlete then what would it be with patients in the 5th or 6th decade with a chronic disease. I couldn’t sleep for days, till the patient started recovering.”

"This was when the spirit started to peak and the hope energized our bodies to give more and work harder and harder.” Although the number of cases were increasing, the number recovering was spectacular.

"Words can’t explain the mesmerizing feeling that fills my soul when patients tested positive turn to negative. Patients' feelings of extreme gratitude and appreciation of our hard work fuel us with energy to do our best.”

“I’m still in Luxor and I don’t know when will I come back, but the feeling I'm having right now is worth the sleepless and hardworking nights. I’m proud to deliver my message in the best way I could. And I’m very thankful for everyone's support and prayers."

"Lastly, I would like to tell my colleagues and doctors worldwide don’t hesitate to stand up and do your job during any crisis. You might be the reason for a patient to recover and return safely to his/ her family. "

"People don’t panic but also don’t take the issue lightly. The number of patients is increasing in Egypt and worldwide. So please take it seriously follow all the precautions. We stay at the hospital for you, so please stay at home for us.”

This is a close scoop on one of our angelic worriers. What they go through daily and what hardships and struggles they face to save lives, to save our lives. This is an example for humanity in it’s ultimate meaning.



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