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Reading Slump: A Reader's Worst Nightmare


As a self-proclaimed bookworm, I’ve never sat and thought about why I read so much. Neither did most other readers I’m guessing. Scientists, though, did ask and the results were fascinating.

I know that I read for enjoyment and pleasure. (Now that I actually thought about it while planning this article!) However, research shows skill-related reasons as the main motivators behind reading with people citing understanding different cultures, learning about new subjects and helping improve vocabulary, or potential job opportunities. Most of these studies were done on middle and high school students, so maybe they felt the need to emphasize that they read to learn.

Reading for fun, relaxation, or for emotional reasons is quite popular. We have our comfort books and characters or even genres we go to when feeling particularly vulnerable. Despite the role reading plays in the life of bibliophiles, they often report feeling like they’re unable to read. They’re in a reading slump.

This isn’t an official term you’ll find in any sort of dictionary. It’s been popularized by online reader communities and is almost immediately understood by everyone who hears it.

A reader’s worst nightmare. Not being able to pick up a book and read because you can’t, you just can’t read” 

Many causes exist for being in a reading slump. Sometimes, life is just too hectic and you’re busy hustling so reading falls to the wayside. At other times, you’ve just finished reading an amazing world-changing book and you just can’t look at another the same way, which is totally valid. Some books are just too good and deserve some time to digest . 

Or maybe you’ve been reading the same genre for a long time now, and themes and elements are becoming too repetitive. You feel bored and that authors aren’t trying to be creative and just re-using the same formula over and over again. 

No matter the reason, reading slumps aren’t fun but there are ways around them. Look for a book by your favorite author or ask your friends for recommendations. Get out of your comfort zone and pick up a book in a different genre. (I can never handle horror though 😂!) If you’re too busy, there are shorter books and novellas you can enjoy and no one’s kissing{?? Kicking*?} you for not binging the book and finishing it in a day. 

And when all else fails, simply reach for your favorite book that makes you feel all warm and tingly inside, to remind you why you enjoy reading in the first place. 

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