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The power of letting go


Writer: Sara Essam

Graphic designer: Yousef Ahmed

We hold on to things, people, mindsets that we forget that the world is full of so much possibilities, opened boundaries and endless shades between the main rainbow colors. We forget that letting go off something requires energy as much as holding on to it. As someone once said: “ one of the happiest moments in life is when you find the energy to let go what you can’t change.”

How do you know that you should let go?

  • If you find yourself no matter how much effort you’re giving you’re unhappy or unsatisfied.

  • If you feel that you don’t belong.

  • If you’re not appreciated.

  • If being away from that person or that specific thing makes you a better person.

The action of letting go is similar to any change a person can go through. And going through any change is going through different stages.

The hardest of all is taking the decision. Not because it's hard or wrong, but because you’re going out of your comfort zone; that place that restrict your dreams, confidence , love, boundaries; that place that we fear life outside. It can eat you up, drain your energy and cease you from giving your all. We can’t become what we want by remaining where we are…

The second obstacle might be applying that decision and avoiding the relapses. As we all know that applying any decision or going through any change is like signing the contract of fear; and of being uncomfortable and scared at least at the beginning. The fear of being left out, the fear that you can’t live without that specific person or doing that specific thing. But knowing that fear is always part of the change and that it’s a normal phase of the cycle, might give you a strong push forwards.

Remember when things change inside of you, things change around you. Embrace the change you’re going through, take out of it what suits you and let go of what doesn’t. You’re always one step away of a totally different life that suits you.




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