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Are you here to Survive or Thrive?


Nada Kholeif

Life is hard. It is tough and challenging. And just when we feel we have it all figured out, it surprises us, throws us to the end of the ocean. But you know what? That’s okay because it gives us a chance to learn and grow.

Many times amidst these challenges we fall into our doubts, fear the uncertainties and just want to survive the situation. We overestimate the hardships and ignore the blessings. As Daniel Kahneman mentioned in his book Thinking Fast and Slow “potential losses loom larger than potential gains.”

Our brains are wired to play it safe, aiming not to lose rather than to win. We like to stay in our comfort zones most of the time. To survive means to continue to live or exist. As a university student especially as a medical student burdened by the endless number of tests and the study load, I many times fall in the trap of surviving the next test, semester or even year. But waking up in the morning every day and thinking about just surviving the day isn’t very exciting. Is it?

Being overwhelmed by my college work is just an example but many challenges we face like losing a close friend or getting a divorce, maybe losing a job or discovering that we hate it after so many years wasted also apply.

But why do we get stuck and settle for just surviving? Maybe we are afraid of change, of the unknown and all the discomforts and changes that come with it. Or maybe we got stuck in the routine that is working but certainly not making us feel happy and alive.

What is the problem with just surviving? Most of us want to survive the adversity, the hardship and want it to pass waiting for life to begin. The problem is that our lives are already going on and have begun already and also it will never be free from adversities and challenges.

Of course, there are different degrees of adversities but there will always be that decision, opportunity, loss, pain and so on. Human nature has a hunger for purpose, progress and fighting for a greater cause therefore, just surviving won’t do, and we ought to thrive.

Thriving, on the other hand means to flourish, to grow and to prosper. We are the creators of our lives and amidst the darkness there is always a beam of light shining with opportunity and hope.

As Albert Einstein said, “Crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations, because crisis brings on progress… It’s in crisis that inventive discoveries and great strategies rise. He who overcomes a crisis overcomes himself without being ‘Overcome.’”

To thrive, not merely to survive, we must adapt to change, be comfortable with the uncomfortable, take risks, and try new approaches in life not just stick with the norms.

According to the life coach, Tony Robbins, there are 5 Ways to be the Creator of Your Own Life:

1-Turn Uncertainty to Action

2-Focus on your Vision

3- Decide and Commit

4- Resolve to Change

5- Give Back

When we love ourselves and believe that we are capable of many things, we realize that we deserve a life better than just to survive, waiting for the hardships to pass. Rather we will be willing to thrive and amongst the darkest of times, have faith and build ourselves up seizing the opportunities and blessings to grow stronger and wiser.

As Maya Angelou said “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

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