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Being lazy is destroying your life, here is how to stop it.


Amira Shalaby

I wanted to give a professional start to this article, but irony always gets the best of me -I’m tempted, ugh. You see, if you’re lazy, there’s a 95% chance you won’t reach the end of this article, but I hope you’re going to be part of the other 5% who’ll make it -you never know, maybe it’ll change your whole life?

Speaking of your life, I bet, that even if being lazy keeps you calm, you’re not happy with your state. Little to no productivity, wasting time, sleeping a lot, or sleeping without any significant accomplishments, all rile up and add to your existing misery.

Being mobile living beings with BRAINS, we’re wired to produce, materialistic or a non-materialistic production - we are born to create. And laziness is the number one antagonist to productivity.

Hear me out, I’m not well addressed of the reasons why YOU specifically are lazy, but being an ex-professional time waster, I could guarantee you that it mostly won’t fall out of: being scared of the outcome of failure, losing hope, little to no enthusiasm, a lost passion, depression with laziness making it even worse, lack of motivation and finally an overwhelming to-do-list that stresses you out.

Whatever your reason(s), I’m more concerned on how to effectively reprogram your mind towards efficient and healthy productivity, and to completely eradicate this terrible condition you think you’re stuck in, when you’re not.

For that, after some research, I’ve gathered some of the most effective ways, in my opinion, to combat laziness.

1. Have manageable goals.

When one is in the mood of being productive, they get overly excited -like EXTREMELY excited- they set wild and unrealistic targets that fail to be completely attained, which will then demotivate them and take them from one-hundred-and-one all the way to zero. I have to tell you, it’s not an all or none equation; do what you can, not more and surely not less. In simple words, don’t bite off more than you can chew.

2. Construct a plan, and note it down.

Having a constructed plan, with all the little details of your work will work to divide and subdivide the load of your work, making it simpler and easier to complete, with the sense of relief hitting you every time a task is done. And here’s where writing it down takes its position; ticking that little complete box in your planner is such a boost of energy. Try it, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

3. Choose someone to observe your progress.

Often times, we need someone to give us a pat on our backs and help cheer us up when we’re doing something of significance, and here’s when a good friend/ parent/ teacher or mentor should step in. Having them observe our progress, will keep us on the spiral of motivation, it can even boost our progress in an attempt of making a good impression on them. Tried, and 100% guaranteed, I’m telling you.

4. Choose work-friendly environments.

Too much noise, talking, too many motions and distractions were seen to lower the productivity and shift our focus from what we are “doing” to what we are “hearing”, “seeing” or even “thinking” etc etc. Low lights and very calm vibes could also lead to mind shutting (and many times undue resting and sleep). Choose a setting where you’re both comfortable to work, but not too comfortable to laze off and sleep. That’s a must!

5. Have higher and long-term goals at the back of your mind...

And, when you’re demotivated, or on a downward slope, bring them up. Bring them up and remind yourself of why you’re here, and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Remind yourself of the reasons that keep you rooted and moving forward, and had these reasons not been so favorable, come up with more creative reasons to why you are where you are. I’m pretty sure you’ll figure out at least one if not a hundred different reasons. Bring it up when needed; it’ll keep you going. These reasons better not be materialistic; make them more remarkable. It will help a lot.

6. Check your accomplishments.

From time to time, it’s a good thing to rate your progress, and to view your accomplishments. It’ll make your work worth the energy, time and effort. It’ll keep you motivated to push even harder and harder.

7. Incorporate other activities to your life.

Job is only a part of your life, though essential, it’s not the only part to it. Include other healthy activities in your life, like going out, quality time with family and friends, working out, having some time to yourself to cool off, travel, read, watch a movie or a tv show. That is not to say that you shouldn’t dedicate your time to your work, but the balance is equally as important. Important...? I meant VITAL. Do not forget this.

8. Count to three and just do it!

There’s this idea that mentions how thinking too much before doing anything, stops us dead in our tracks. It leads to procrastination, fear and more and more laziness. Hence, thinking too much before you get going, will not get you going... anywhere. Be it as it may, count to three; ONE, TWO, THREE and JUST DO IT!

Finally, these were only some ways that I thought were effective in fighting the deteriorating a state of laziness. They were fundamental in transforming my mindset, and I felt it was my mission to send them across.

Bottom line to this all, you can do ANYTHING; you just have to have the willingness to; learn the proper way to do it and make it a habit in your life.

Lastly, if you were of the 5% who reached the end of this lengthy article, I salute you; this is step one of you being not-a-very-lazy person.

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