Written by: Alaa Jaffer
Design by: Mohammed Anwar
The first time I recognised the impact of hustle culture was during time I was dealing with the loss of my grandfather. I was taking a break from studying ophthalmology, but all the time I was feeling guilty for not studying!
Hustle culture means constant working without taking breaks. It is toxic and has negative health impacts.
It can lead to burnout which causes the person to have a pessimistic approach to work and lets him experience a lack of motivation and energy that leads to decline in his productivity. Also, it can increase blood pressure and heart rate due to psychological activation and the release of the stress hormone cortisol, in high amounts and for prolonged periods.
The reason behind hustle culture
Hustle culture comes from the fear of not doing or being enough. This fear is dominant in the scarcity culture and scarcity culture cultivates in shame-prone environments.
Shame-prone environment according to the social worker Brene Brown consists of three components: shame, comparison and disengagement.
1-Shame: When the fear of ridicule and belittling is used to manage people or to keep them in line. It is when self-worth tied to achievement, productivity or compliance. And, perfectionism is one of its issue.
2-Comparison: When people are held to one narrow standard rather than being acknowledged for their unique gifts and contributions. Suffocating of creativity is one of its consequences.
3-Disengagement: Where people are afraid to take risks or try new things. When it is easier to stay quiet than to share stories, experiences, and ideas.
Overcoming hustle culture
1-Self awareness
"Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light." Brene brown
Self-awareness involves being aware of different aspects of the self, including thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Its take a deep courage to dig deep within yourself and sometimes you will need professional help. Remember reaching out for help is an act of bravery.
2-Radical acceptance
"What you resist persists". Carl Jung
Radical acceptance does not mean giving up or sinking into passivity. Rather, it means giving ourselves the time and space to pause and to understand each moment and to acknowledge what's real.
Everyone of us suffers from the inevitable pain of life, the physical pain of a disease, or the grieving that follows the loss of loved one, a particular fear or anger.
Usually, we respond by making ourselves feel bad for what's happening. We tell ourselves: ((This means I'm bad)). But, if we can bring, intentionally, a radical acceptance to our imperfections, to our pain, if we can convey a real presence and care only then we can be liberated from the suffering that comes from resisting pain.
3-Mindfulness meditation
In this fast pace time, we live on autopilot. We rarely feel the present moment, we rarely stop and feel our own breathing. It is like running nowhere.
Fortunately, we can choose to live in the present moment by practicing mindfulness meditation. Also, mindfulness meditation can help tame our inner critic, the voice inside our heads that criticises and judges us harshly.
4-Study or work smarter
One aspect for studying or working smarter is having self-motivation. In psychology, the theory of motivation is "the first step in creating drive is getting people opportunities to make choices that provide them with the sense of autonomy and self-determination".
Each choice-no matter how small reinforces the perception of control and self-efficacy. Another way to increase self-motivation is to ask yourself why. ((Why are you doing this?)) When you can connect to your intentions, you will booster your motivation and it will also add a sense of purpose to what you are doing.
Another aspect for working or studying smarter is to find techniques that are suitable for you. Remember that each person is different and unique and what has worked for you maybe will not work for others. So be creative and keep in mind that it is okay to be different.
"Productivity is about getting things done without sacrificing everything we care about along the way." Charles Duhigg
RAIN meditation exercise from Tara Brach:
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1-Smarter Faster Better for Charles Duhigg
2-The gifts of imperfections for Brene Brown
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