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Tips for New Years Resolutions


Hafsa Daher

It’s that time of the year again for personal reflection and growth, here are some tips to help you avoid faltering on your New Year’s resolutions.

1. Plan ahead

You don’t have to write your list on new year’s eve. Keep in mind that working towards your resolution is a process so try to take more time beforehand to evaluate all the things you accomplished the previous year & pinpoint what went wrong and what helped you stick more to your goals.

You can pick any day and make a detailed plan for each goal that includes strategies on how you can tackle any obstacles or setback you might face.

2. Find meaning & choose a specific goal

Set resolutions you want to pursue so that you can be more motivated and more likely to maintain. Don’t make a list what you think you should do, otherwise you will be drained & feel guilty when you can’t do it.

Instead of writing a vague goal like “get in shape”, commit to a more concrete goal like losing 10 pounds at a time and set up a plan that includes diet changes, exercises and limiting bad habits.

3. Track your progress & be flexible

Keep a journal so that you can revisit it each month and see the progress you made. Having short goals is easier to accomplish and will keep you motivated.

If your resolution isn’t working to your liking, don’t beat yourself up & adjust it to make it more achievable.

4. Don’t feel discouraged & talk about it

Don’t engage in self-deprecating thoughts if you don’t succeed the first time & find other sources of inspiration to keep you going. The best thing you can do is find a support system that can motivate you and keep you accountable.

5. Be patient & kind to yourself

Keep in mind that you have accomplished a lot that wasn’t on your resolution list the past year. You have grown a lot and learned more about yourself so be grateful & celebrate yourself and your tenacity to getting through this tough year.

Happy New Year Everyone

I hope you achieve all that you have in mind.

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