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For the Love of Peace


Marwa Gaber


The word peace is defined as ‘a state without war’ or ‘freedom from struggle’, but everyone has his own definition of such a simple word.

Is Peace for you the feeling you get when you finally come home and lay in bed after a tedious day, or when you are with your friends and you are all laughing so hard that your abdominal muscles start to ache? Or is it not caring about the negativity you are surrounded with? It is all those things; it is a state of mind. Not just a word said at beauty pageants.

It is unfortunate, though, that peace doesn't naturally exist in our day-to-day lives. Before you get offended or confused, think about this. How many times have you driven home from work without having a taxi block your path? Are you still peaceful when you can't find a decent parking spot after a long day of work? Inner peace, whether you realize it or not, is what everyone is trying to achieve.

People are awarded Nobel Prizes for significant breakthroughs in various categories, like finally uncovering the mysteries of physics, but the mind boggling thing is that there's a Nobel Peace Prize. Could people not find a world without war and struggle that they found it necessary to create an award for peaceful actions?

It is said that the person who should be rewarded should have done the most/best work for fraternity between nations but the question remains: Why is this not the standard?

So after all this, how does one maintain their inner peace? All those times you cancelled plans just to stay in bed and stare at the ceiling, or when you decided someone else’s issue doesn’t have to be your problem too. Those were all times you chose yourself over your daily stresses. Those little decisions are the ones that matter most; they are the ones that keep you calm in the restless storm.

To restore that inner peace, exclude all negativity from your life. Whether it is a person or just a few thoughts. Voice them out. Give them their time and path so that they can eventually leave your mind.Always have time for you. Our schedules are usually hectic but that should not get in the way of reserving a few hours just for yourself, even if you spend the time doing absolutely nothing.

There’s a wonderful quote I try to live by that says

“Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; they sink because of the water that gets in them”.

Never let someone else's actions control your emotions. While that may be easier said than done, it will definitely be worth your while.

Inner peace is the most expensive gift you can give yourself; don't waste it on cheap things. If you see someone trying and struggling to find their inner peace, help them. You too will feel better afterwards. “The best work for fraternity between nations” doesn’t have to be literal; rather, these “nations" could simply just be your friend or colleague.

We’re all on our path to determine where our sunshine lies, but sometimes when things start to get a little cloudy, we just need some guidance to be back on our way. And that’s okay.

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