Mai Bahaa
Your heart rate is getting higher, palms are sweating, and you somehow forget to breathe properly, wait what happened here? Oh! A minute ago you were walking into a room full of people and all eyes were on you!
Whether it’s a presentation, an interview or even a party! You are creeping in the too-familiar feeling that you’re going to mess everything up because you’re nervous. Then you start to get more anxious because people can sense It.
Welcome aboard, you're in a yet another vicious cycle…
Our goal? Breaking it.
Let me warn you it’s not a piece of cake but it’ll be worth it. We’ve all heard the ‘fake it till you make it’ confidence rule; simply act ‘as if’ you’re confident. But that’s not enough. It takes a conscious decision to tackle this. So instead, we’ll “face it till we make it” and just SMILE!!
S– Stand tall. Every time your thoughts run wild adjust your “Posture”. Yoga is a perfect way to acquire this skill. Stand tall, extend your back and take a deep breath in. Also don’t forget to use the most powerful weapon of all, Body language; keep your hands visible, avoid pockets or crossing arms as it gives off a defensive vibe.
M- Master your speech. Don’t rush and ramble through your speech. Listen more if it’s a two-way conversation. Think before you utter, it gives you time to be more organized and make your speech more precise, then speak clearly with an audible tone. This combination radiates confidence and show that you know exactly what you’re talking about.
I- Imagination. Imagine that you’re already where you want to be now. A powerful skill but needs practice. It’ll give you a transient confidence boost similar to ‘fake it’ rule.
L-Lose the perfection mindset. No one is perfect.
You don’t have to be perfect, you should only be better than you were yesterday. Work on self-improvement, this can highly build your confidence in the long run.
E- Eye contact. 3 seconds rule of eye contact; if you’re having a conversation with a group, try shifting your gaze between them every 3 seconds, this will capture their attention immediately and form a fearless subconscious impression of you.
Finally, know that you’re not alone, every single person can get anxious any time, but using this kind of skills will help you to push through. But once your anxiety becomes life hindering and gets out of control, you must consult a specialist.