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The Euphoria of being you


Sara Essam

Do you compare yourself to others? Do you force yourself to do things that you don’t actually like but simply do because of everyone else? Are you trying to change your beliefs and behaviors to please others? These are the paths we tend to take in order to walk away from our own self and from what we love to please society and fit in. I once asked myself "does satisfying people give us joy?" The answer, I realized after lots of thinking, is that it actually gives us momentary happiness, but it never gives us satisfaction. It takes us away from who we really are to what the society wants us to be. Helen Keller, deaf and blind, never lost faith in herself and this made her the first blind and deaf person to earn a bachelor’s degree. Albert Einstein, though he was considered a slow learner and may have had dyslexia, never stopped working hard till he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Personally, I have always had a problem in the English subject. I hated English classes and my English teacher. I had the same comment from her every parents-teacher meeting "She needs to work harder and read more. She’s weak in this subject.” Deep down I never believed that I’m a failure.

I had to decide if I am going to allow the English teachers opinion get to me and take away the dream of getting in to my dream university or I could just work harder. I watched lots of movies, documentaries, and though I hated reading, I started reading short stories, short novels, and novel series.

My grades were getting higher day by day, a C was later a B and then an A. I’m not saying that my English is perfect now, of course I miss spell words and I forget adding full stops and quotations marks, but at least I confronted  my weakness and accepted it. I’m not shy or embarrassed anymore, for that reason I’m sharing it with you. The thing you have always hated about yourself may be the only way out of the dark tunnel of self hatred. Your curly hair that everyone made fun of in high school was the most attractive feature that made your lover fall for you, or your overweight body that has always been a step backward in chasing your dream of modeling , got you into modeling industry for overweight magazines. Your kind heart, which all your friends called you a girl for, made you the best teacher for kids with special needs. There is always that quote that pops in to my mind every time I think about self love: “If you have the ability to love, Love yourself first” Accept yourself as you are, with all your flaws, your mistakes and even your failures. These are the building blocks of your personality. You are unique in everything, your color, your smile, your body, your attitude, your personality. Everything in you makes you who you are. It's there for a reason, so accept yourself and enjoy the euphoria of being you. Be enough for yourself first so that you can face the rest of the world.

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